Three women from Georgia were swept up in a wave of suspicion regarding their voting activities during a flood.

The article describes the activities of Helen Strahl and a group of activists called the Georgia Nerds who have been challenging voter rolls and expressing skepticism about the upcoming presidential election in Georgia. This volunteer group has filed mass challenges against other people's eligibility to vote, leading to controversy and chaos in the electoral process. Strahl and her fellow activists have been challenging voters based on various criteria, causing confusion and frustration among election officials, voters, and voting rights advocates. The article also highlights the response of election officials and voting rights advocates to these challenges, and the impact on voter registration efforts. The article discusses how Strahl and her group's activities have led to controversy and chaos in the electoral process, causing confusion and frustration among election officials, voters, and voting rights advocates. It also highlights the response of election officials and voting rights advocates to these challenges, and the impact on voter registration efforts. The article further explores the experiences of individuals affected by the challenges, such as Carry Smith, who has been personally helping unregistered voters but found her own voting rights challenged. It also touches on the broader context of voter suppression and the erosion of faith in democracy, as well as the efforts of voting rights advocates to counteract these challenges by registering eligible voters. Overall, the article presents a detailed and critical analysis of the impact of mass voter challenges on the electoral process in Georgia, shedding light on the complexities and controversies surrounding voter registration and the exercise of voting rights.

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