The Pope commends Indonesia for its ability to maintain a sensitive equilibrium amid diversity.

Pope Francis made his first public address in Indonesia, praising the country's unity in diversity while cautioning against intolerance and extremism. His meeting with President Joko Widodo emphasized the importance of interfaith harmony, particularly in a nation with the world's largest Muslim population. The Pope highlighted Indonesia's religious and cultural diversity as a unifying force, but also urged for continuous defense of this unity, especially by those in political leadership. While Indonesia has been known for interreligious harmony, there have been instances of discrimination against religious minorities in recent years. Some Indonesian Catholics expressed concerns about persecution due to their faith, but Pope Francis reassured that the Catholic Church seeks to enhance interreligious dialogue without seeking to proselytize. President Joko also appreciated the Vatican's efforts in advocating for peace in Palestine. Overall, the Pope's visit to Indonesia underscored the importance of tolerance and unity in the face of global intolerance and violence.

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