Texas Attorney General files lawsuit to halt voter registration campaign in San Antonio.

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton has taken legal action to prevent the distribution of over 200,000 voter registration applications in Bexar County, San Antonio. This move comes in the midst of a broader conflict between Republicans and Democrats over voting and elections in Texas. Paxton's lawsuit follows his warning to Bexar County officials against the mailing, which they approved despite his objections. He has also threatened legal action against Harris County for considering a similar voter registration effort. Paxton's aggressive stance is part of a broader effort by Texas officials to prevent what they see as attempts to circumvent the state's strict election rules, which they fear could lead to fraud. This comes amid a tight Senate race in Texas and allegations of election fraud and vote harvesting. The lawsuit argues that Bexar County exceeded its legal authority and improperly awarded a mailing contract without competitive bidding. Local officials, however, argue that they are working to expand voter participation for the public good, while Democrats see Paxton's actions as an attempt to make voter registration more difficult. The attorney general's objections stem from the belief, held by many hard-right conservatives and an increasing number of other Republicans, that ineligible voters, such as migrants and asylum seekers, may be casting ballots. Despite assurances that the voter registration effort would only target eligible voters, Paxton remains concerned about maintaining the integrity of voter rolls. The legal battle in Texas is part of a broader national trend, with other fights over voter registration in Michigan and a lawsuit by nine Republican state attorneys general against a three-year-old executive order directing the federal government to expand registration. The article also touches on concerns about potential political connections of the mailing firm and the capacity of election offices to handle an influx of new registrants. Overall, the article chronicles the ongoing conflict over voter registration in Texas and the broader implications for the upcoming election, highlighting the clash between Republicans and Democrats over voting rights and election integrity.

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