Pakistani authorities detain legislators who support Imran Khan.

Pakistani police arrested 10 lawmakers from the political party of imprisoned former Prime Minister Imran Khan in a raid on the Parliament building in Islamabad. The raid, which took place on Monday night, marked the first time in recent memory that lawmakers were arrested within the Parliament, intensifying the political turmoil in the country. The arrests were made under antiterrorism laws, and the police action was seen as a move by the security establishment to suppress Mr. Khan's party. The political crisis began in 2022 when Mr. Khan was ousted as prime minister and has since escalated, with his party members condemning the arrests as an attack on democracy. The article also highlights the tensions between Mr. Khan's party and the military, as well as the concerns about potential military court proceedings against Mr. Khan. The article concludes by mentioning the criticism of the ruling party's defense of the police actions and the concerns about the future political climate in the country.

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