Netflix added a disclaimer to an Indian show in response to outrage over the use of hijacker names.

Netflix has updated a disclaimer for its fictional series "IC 814: The Kandahar Hijack" in response to criticism from Indian audiences and government officials. The series, inspired by the 1999 hijacking of a plane by Islamist militants, faced backlash for allegedly portraying the hijackers as Hindus. Social media users and a high-ranking member of India's ruling party accused the show of downplaying the Muslim identity of the hijackers. As a result, Netflix has added the real and code names of the hijackers to the disclaimer for Indian audiences. The series' director had previously stated that the goal was to present the event exactly as it happened, but the updated disclaimer now clarifies that the show does not claim authenticity or historical correctness. This is not the first time that major streaming platforms have faced pressure from Hindu nationalists in India, with previous instances of content being removed or edited due to similar criticisms.

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