French Prime Minister Barnier reconciles differences with Macron.

In a significant shift, the new French Prime Minister, Michel Barnier, expressed his independence by not thanking President Macron upon taking office. He emphasized the need for action over words and hinted at President Macron's dismissive attitude towards the less privileged. This marks a rupture in the French political landscape, with Mr. Macron's weakened position leading to an institutional vacuum. The challenges faced by the new government include economic instability, a weakened presidency, and the need to appease both the far-right and far-left factions. Addressing these issues while stabilizing the fiscal situation remains a formidable task for Mr. Barnier. The resurgence of traditional political ideologies signals a departure from Macronism. As Mr. Macron's influence wanes, Mr. Barnier faces the daunting task of navigating a complex political landscape and earning the trust of the electorate.

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