U.C.L.A. is prohibited from allowing protesters to prevent Jewish students from accessing the campus, according to a judge's ruling.

Federal Judge Mark C. Scarsi has issued a preliminary injunction against the University of California, Los Angeles (U.C.L.A.) to prevent protesters from blocking Jewish students' access to campus facilities. This injunction comes after Jewish students sued the university over protests related to Israel's military campaign in Gaza. The demonstrations resulted in violent clashes, with pro-Palestinian protesters preventing Jewish students from entering certain areas and buildings on campus. Judge Scarsi's order highlighted the university's constitutional obligation to ensure equal access for all students and rejected the argument that the university was not responsible for the actions of third-party protesters. The ruling was hailed as a significant step in combating antisemitism, while U.C.L.A. expressed concerns about the court's interference in managing demonstrations. Despite U.C.L.A.'s efforts to enhance campus safety, the judge emphasized the potential for similar blockades and upheld the injunction to protect Jewish students from future harm.

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