Transforming from Russia's equivalent of Mark Zuckerberg to a fugitive, Pavel Durov, the creator of Telegram, experienced a notable journey.

More than ten years ago, Pavel Durov faced pressure from Russia to shut down opposition pages on a Facebook-like site he created. This led to his recent arrest in France as part of an investigation into criminal activity on Telegram, the online communications tool he founded. Durov's arrest has sparked a debate on freedom of speech and government censorship, with prominent figures like Elon Musk and Edward Snowden coming to his defense. Despite Telegram's popularity, it has also been criticized for hosting illegal activities. Durov's anti-authority ethos and commitment to free speech have shaped Telegram's approach, but have also attracted controversy. His arrest has drawn attention to the intersection of technology and freedom of speech, prompting discussions on the responsibilities of platform owners. Adblock test (Why?)

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