Hamas and Islamic Jihad have taken responsibility for the bombing in Tel Aviv.

Hamas and Islamic Jihad have claimed responsibility for a recent bombing in Tel Aviv, citing the displacement and killings of Palestinians as the reason for the attack. The Israeli police and security agency confirmed the explosion but did not mention a suicide attack. The incident, if confirmed, would be the first suicide bombing in Israel since 2016. The attacker, who entered from the West Bank, was not known to Israeli security authorities and had no criminal record. The explosives were likely manufactured in the West Bank and of low quality. The attack could have been much larger had events unfolded differently. The reference to civilian displacement and killings likely pertains to events in Gaza, where thousands have been killed and many displaced, as well as in the West Bank, where settlements have increased and clashes have resulted in deaths on both sides. The settlements are considered illegal under international law, but Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has defended them as part of the Jewish people's rightful land. The recent attack comes amid heightened tensions following deadly incursions and missile attacks by militant groups.

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