Fast food for a brief yet enjoyable summer can be found at Quebec's Casse-Croûtes.

The Italian couple, Marta Grasso and Andrea La Monaca, enjoyed the delights of Quebec's seasonal food shacks known as casse-croûtes, particularly relishing the seafood offerings. These shacks, found throughout Quebec, offer a unique blend of American fast food with French Canadian influences. Each casse-croûte takes pride in its own unique menu items, such as the famous poutine and lesser-known specialties like the guédille. The history and evolution of these food shacks reflect Quebec's post-World War II prosperity and the strong influence of American fast food and car culture. These establishments provide a nostalgic culinary experience, with each one offering its own secret sauce and specialties. Despite their brief seasonal openings, casse-croûtes hold a special place in the hearts of locals and tourists alike, providing a taste of Quebec's unique food culture.

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