The scorching heat and persistent power cuts in Egypt have left citizens in a state of frustration and desperation. Since last summer, daily blackouts have become a common occurrence, with the government offering little relief despite promises to end them. The situation has led to deaths, financial losses, and widespread discontent among the population. The economic challenges facing Egypt, including soaring prices and currency devaluation, have only exacerbated the impact of the power cuts. The government's attempts to address the crisis, such as importing emergency natural gas cargoes and planning energy imports, have not been sufficient to alleviate the situation. Additionally, the country's efforts to increase renewable energy production face obstacles due to infrastructure and regulatory limitations. The public's dissatisfaction with the government's handling of the power cuts has led to growing unrest, with rare acts of defiance, such as portraying President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi in a negative light, gaining attention. Despite the government's efforts to quell dissent, including arresting individuals and stifling protests, citizens continue to voice their grievances. The impact of the power cuts on various aspects of daily life, from businesses to family routines, has been severe. The uneven distribution of blackouts, with wealthy resorts being spared while other areas endure prolonged outages, has fueled perceptions of unfair treatment. While the government's control remains intact, the ongoing power cuts have led to widespread frustration and anger among the Egyptian population. The failure to address the consequences of the blackouts, including financial losses and even deaths, has further eroded public trust in the government's ability to manage the crisis effectively.