In early 2009, as a young freelance journalist in southern Afghanistan, the author encountered Abdul Raziq, a powerful police commander with a fearsome reputation. Raziq was known for his close ties to the U.S. military, despite allegations of involvement in drug trafficking and human rights abuses. The author embarked on a quest to understand the paradox of Raziq's success, given the U.S. military's supposed support for democracy and human rights in Afghanistan. Raziq's rise to become police chief of Kandahar and a three-star general was accompanied by allegations of torture, extortion, and human rights violations. Despite these accusations, Raziq was celebrated for bringing stability to Kandahar and was seen as a symbol of security for many war-weary Afghans. The U.S. military's continued support for Raziq, despite knowledge of his alleged crimes, raised questions about the effectiveness of its strategy and adherence to international law. The article delves into Raziq's background, the complexities of the Afghan civil war, and the U.S. military's engagement with controversial figures like Raziq. It highlights the challenges of waging war in a civil conflict, where the population becomes the battlefield. The author explores how Raziq's brutal tactics, supported by the U.S., were effective in combating the Taliban but also led to widespread human rights abuses. The article also discusses the broader implications of Raziq's story, shedding light on the failure of the U.S. in Afghanistan. It points to internal corruption, infighting, and inconsistent strategies as contributing factors to the collapse of the Afghan government. The piece concludes by questioning the myth that brutality always backfires in war and emphasizes the need to understand the complexities of irregular warfare and the role of violence in such conflicts. In summary, the article provides a detailed exploration of Abdul Raziq's controversial legacy, the U.S. military's involvement with him, and the broader implications for the war in Afghanistan.