In India's general election, Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who initially projected confidence, is now facing a more challenging campaign. With opposition challenging his control over the national narrative, the election has become a closer contest. The opposition's grand alliance, though initially held back by internal issues, aims to confront Mr. Modi's dominance in the election. The Bharatiya Janata Party (B.J.P.) remains the favorite, but the opposition is gaining traction with a focus on economic and social justice. The Congress party, which has been marginalized in recent years, is attempting to rebrand itself with a new leadership and a manifesto focused on economic development and social issues. As the election reaches its end, it's evident that Mr. Modi's ability to steer the focus away from local concerns is waning, providing the opposition with an opportunity. The Congress party's efforts to counter the B.J.P.'s Hindu-nationalist ideology focus on issues of caste inequality and rising unemployment. The election, previously considered a foregone conclusion, is now presenting a more competitive scenario, with the opposition making substantial efforts to challenge Mr. Modi's influence.