Newly arrived migrants are being granted work permits, and other undocumented immigrants are also seeking the same opportunity.

Sam Sanchez, a Chicago restaurateur and board member of the National Restaurant Association, expressed frustration at President Biden's decision to extend work eligibility to nearly half a million Venezuelans, including those who recently crossed the border illegally. He highlighted the plight of his undocumented employees, emphasizing the unfairness of prioritizing new arrivals over long-term immigrants seeking legal work opportunities. Business leaders and advocacy groups have urged the president to use his executive power to grant work permits to the over eight million undocumented individuals already living in the United States. While some critics argue that such a move could face legal and political challenges, proponents emphasize the significant contributions of undocumented workers to the economy and the pressing need for labor in various sectors. The article also discusses the potential impact on Latino voters and the complexities surrounding immigration policy in the context of international crises and economic disparities.

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