Arizona has filed charges against Giuliani and other allies of Trump in a case related to election interference.

Daily Dumpling: Arizona has filed charges against Giuliani and other allies of Trump in a case related to election interference.

Several key figures who advised Donald J. Trump during the 2020 election, including Rudolph W. Giuliani and Mark Meadows, have been indicted in Arizona. The charges include conspiracy, fraud, and forgery related to attempts to change the election results. The indictment also names Donald Trump as an unindicted co-conspirator. This is the fourth swing state to bring an elections case involving the activities of the Trump campaign in 2020. The indictment lays out alleged efforts by the defendants to overturn Arizona’s election results, including pressuring officials responsible for certifying election results. In total, 35 people who acted as fake electors in various states face criminal charges for signing certificates falsely stating that Mr. Trump had won their state’s electoral votes. The article also discusses the legal troubles faced by other Trump allies and the broader impact of the election interference charges.

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